All children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times, including when arriving and leaving. We are a working farm and you may encounter moving farm machinery.
Stick to the 5mph speed limit to keep everyone safe.
Dress for the weather including wellies, waterproofs, sun hats and long trousers and long sleeve tops as we are based in the woods and may come across nettles, thistles etc.
If stopping to see the farm animals do not put arms and hands through the fences and gates.
Places are booked and paid for on a termly basis, and refunds cannot be offered once booked. We keep a week spare so we can make-up classes missed due to bad weather, if this cannot be used you will be offered a refund.
Emma Roberts is the controller of personal information for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Her contact details for data protection purposes are as follows: Hammonds End Farm, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2AY
This Privacy Notice tells you what to expect when we process your personal information. It tells you the purposes for which we may process your personal information and the legal basis for the processing (‘processing’ includes us just keeping your personal information).
We will keep records of the information that you give us for the duration of your time at Muddy Mice. This is required so we can contact you regarding information about classes and sharing of payment information. At the end of the academic year (by 1st September) within which you leave Muddy Mice your details will be removed. All email correspondence will be deleted at the end of the academic year in which you have attended Muddy Mice.
All personal information is stored on a secure, password protected PC.
Personal phone numbers and full name of attending children and accompanying adult are shared with Muddy Mice staff for the duration of your time attending, for the purposes of a register. Personal phone numbers of the accompanying adult are shared with all attendees of your class on a WhatsApp Group – with prior written permission on a Google Form – for the purposes of sharing useful information – these details are removed from the public group once the customer has left Muddy Mice.
Under no circumstances will your personal information be shared with any third parties, unless prior agreements have been made between Muddy Mice and the customer.
We process your personal information in accordance with the principles of GDPR. We will treat your personal information fairly and lawfully and will ensure that information is; processed for limited purposes, is kept up to date, accurate, relevant and not excessive, is not kept longer than necessary and is kept secure.
Under the GDPR, as a data subject you have the following rights: Access, Rectification, Erasure, Restriction, or to request limitation on correspondence. Muddy Mice confirms that you will not be contacted in relation to Muddy Mice once you have left the group. Please contact Emma Roberts if you require any further information relating to these rights.
In submitting an application and requesting to join Muddy Mice you acknowledge that we will hold and use your information in this way.
You have the right to complain to the ICO if you think we have breached the GDPR. You can contact the ICO at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF